DevOps, Continuous Delivery & Automation Enthusiast; Spring Boot lover & Open Source guy working @ codecentric; Founder/Organizer of @devopsthde & @jugthde & @iothde; (Wind, Wave & Trail-) Surfer, Proud Dad & Husband profile
Come and meet me on an upcoming Meetup in Thüringen! Choose your flavour: Java User Group Thüringen (@jugthde) or IoT Thüringen Meetup (@iothde) or DevOps Thüringen (@devopsthde). See you there!
2023-11: Articles about “Deklarativ provisionieren: Crossplane hebt GitOps in die Multi-Cloud” & “Crossplane in der Praxis: IaC in AWS und Azure” published in the iX Developer Cloud Native Special Herbst 2023 (first article link & second article link)
2023-03: Article about “GitOps mit Crossplane: Crossplane: Provisionierung in AWS und Azure” published in the iX Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik 02/2023 (article link)
The full article has been made available to public by codecentric here
The article (again) made it on the frontcover (now 2 times in a row):
2023-02: Article about “GitOps für die Multi-Cloud - Crossplane: Cloud-native, deklarativ, Open Source” in the category “Praxis: GitOps” published in the iX Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik 02/2023 (article link)
Mentions: Twitter, LinkedIn, XING, Twitter, LinkedIn
The full article has been made available to public by codecentric here
The article also made it on the frontcover:
2021-09: Article about “Schöner Verpacken - Container Images: Abschied vom Dockerfile (Cloud Native Buildpacks/” in the category “Qualitätssicherung” published in the iX Developer “Besserer Code” Sommer 2021 (article link)
2020-12: Article about “Langsam war gestern! - GraalVM Native Image macht Spring-Boot Anwendungen Beine” published in the Softwerker Vol. 16 in the Softwerker magazine
2020-08: Article about “Langsam war gestern! - GraalVM Native Image macht Spring-Boot Anwendungen Beine” in the Cover story about Spring Boot published in the Java Magazin 09/2020 (article link)
Mentions: “Jonas Hecht on Twitter: “FINALLY (while attending #springone 😍) I got my hands on the 09.2020 release of the @JavaMagazin 🤩🤩 containing my article abt @springboot & @graalvm beeing featured as part of the @springframework #coverstory 🙈🥳” This Week in Spring - September 8th, 2020 (
The full article has been made available to public by codecentric here
2019-09: Article about “Molekular getestet - Continuous Integration für Ansible-Skripte” in the category “Praxis” published in the iX Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik 09/2019 (article link)
The full article has been made available to public by codecentric here
2019-04: Article about “Ansible testen mit Molecule: Testgetriebene Infrastrukturentsicklung mit Ansible und Molecule” in the category “Praxis” published in the iX Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik 04/2019 (article link)
Mentions: Twitter, Molecule Maintainers, LinkedIn
The full article has been made available to public by codecentric here
The article also made it on the frontcover:
2018-09: Article about “Spring Boot und Vue.js” published in the “Vue.js für alle. Wissenswertes für Einsteiger und Experten” shortcuts 09.2018
Amazon Link - EPUB-ISBN: 978-3-86802-844-7
2018-08: Article about “Bausatz zur Automatisierung - GitLab-CI-Setup mit Vagrant und Ansible” in the category “Continuous Integration” published in the iX Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik 08/2018 (article link)
The full article has been made available to public by codecentric here
The article also made it on the frontcover:
2018-07: Article about “Zwei zum Verlieben - Spring Boot und Vue.js im eigenen Projekt anwenden” published in the Java Magazin 08.2018
Author of the Month: Java Magazin 08.2018
Mentions: “The amazing Jonas Hecht’s article on Spring Boot and Vue.js is now available in the latest installment of the German-language magazine JavaMagazin.” This Week in Spring - July 10, 2018 (
The full article has been made available to public by codecentric here
The article also made it on the frontcover:
2017-09: Article about “Windows? Nicht ohne Ansible! Ansible zaubert Spring Boot Apps auch auf Windows” published in the Softwerker Vol. 10 in the Softwerker magazine
2016-09: Article about “Spring Boot und Apache CXF - SOAP ohne XML?” published in the Softwerker Vol. 8 in the Softwerker magazine
2024-09: Using External Secrets with Crossplane & ArgoCD
2024-09: Going full GitOps with Crossplane & ArgoCD
2024-09: Bootstrapping Crossplane with ArgoCD
2024-08: From Classic CI/CD to GitOps with ArgoCD & Crossplane
2024-06: Create, build & publish Crossplane Configuration Packages with GitHub Actions & Container Registry
Mentions: LinkedIn
2024-05: Testing Crossplane Compositions with kuttl Part 2: Given, When, Assert
Mentions: LinkedIn
2024-05: Testing Crossplane Compositions with kuttl, Part 1: Preparing the TestSuite
2022-09: Heroku is dead: Let’s deploy Spring Boot containers on!
Mentions: “Heroku is dead: Let’s deploy Spring Boot containers on!” This Week in Spring - September 27th, 2022 ( & LinkedIn & Twitter
2022-07: Tame the multi-cloud beast with Crossplane: Let’s start with AWS S3
2022-06: Development Containers & GitHub Codespaces kill the “works on my machine” problem
Mentions: Podcast Ready for Review & LinkedIn & LinkedIn 2nd & Twitter
2021-10: Cloud Native Buildpacks / in GitLab CI without Docker & pack CLI
Mentions: “I love this post: Cloud Native Buildpacks / in GitLab CI without Docker & pack CLI” Josh Long with a separate post & “These are the kinds of general-purpose use cases the Paketo team has envisioned. Thanks for pushing the boundaries on the tech, @jonashackt! Keep working… Happy to support you in any way we can. Cheers!” Paketo_io on Twitter & “Cloud Native Buildpacks / in GitLab CI without Docker & pack CLI” This Week in Spring - October 26th, 2021 ( & LinkedIn & Twitter
Very funny mention by GitLab on Twitter:
— 🦊 GitLab (@gitlab) October 25, 2021
2021-03: Stop re-writing pipelines! Why GitHub Actions drive the future of CI/CD
2021-03: Publishing Docker images to GitHub Container Registry with GitHub Actions
2021-02: GitHub Actions CI pipeline: GitHub Packages, Codecov, release to Maven Central & GitHub
Mentions: “Great article! We’ve added to our resources section for other users to learn from.” Codecov official resources & “GitHub Actions CI pipeline: GitHub Packages, Codecov etc.” This Week in Spring - February 23rd, 2021 ( & “» GitHub Actions CI pipeline: GitHub Packages, Codecov, release to Maven Central & GitHub “ Java Web Weekly, Issue 374 ( & LinkedIn & Twitter
2020-11: Goodbye Dockerfile: Cloud Native Buildpacks with & layered jars for Spring Boot
Mentions: “Cloud Native Buildpacks with & layered jars for Spring Boot” This Week in Spring - December 1st, 2020 ( & “» Cloud Native Buildpacks with & layered jars for Spring Boot [] Goodbye Dockerfiles: transforming source codes to Docker images without Dockerfiles with the added benefits of layered Jars.” Java Web Weekly, Issue 360 (
2020-11: Spring Boot Apps with Kong API Gateway using OpenAPI & Declarative Configuration
Mentions: “Spring Boot and Kong - another great post by Jonas Hecht over on Codecentric” This Week in Spring - November 17th, 2020 ( & Java Web Weekly, Issue 360 (
2020-06: Simplifying Spring Boot GraalVM Native Image builds with the native-image-maven-plugin
Mentions: “A great post on the Codecentric AG blog: Simplifying Spring Boot GraalVM Native Image builds with the native-image-maven-plugin” This Week in Spring - June 23, 2020 ( & “Making it easier to build GraalVM native images using the native-image-maven-plugin.” Java Web Weekly, Issue 339 ( & LinkedIn & Twitter
2020-06: Running Spring Boot GraalVM Native Images with Docker & Heroku
Mentions: “Running Spring Boot GraalVM Native Images with Docker & Heroku” This Week in Spring - June 2, 2020 ( “And a nice write-up that’s sure to help with the more nuanced aspects such as the Docker multi-stage build.” Java Web Weekly, Issue 336 ( & LinkedIn & Twitter
2020-05: Running Spring Boot apps as GraalVM Native Images
Mentions: “Running Spring Boot apps as GraalVM Native Images - codecentric AG Blog” This Week in Spring - May 12th, 2020 ( & Java Web Weekly, Issue 333 ( & LinkedIn & Twitter
2019-08: Spring Boot on Heroku with Docker, JDK 11 & Maven 3.5.x
2019-01: Continuous cloud infrastructure with Ansible, Molecule & TravisCI on AWS
2018-12: Continuous Infrastructure with Ansible, Molecule & TravisCI
2018-12: Test-driven infrastructure development with Ansible & Molecule
Mentions: “Great article! The thought that IaC was code but did not get tests like real code never sat well with me. The next evolution with IaC, I feel, is this exact type of implementation. I look forward to your next article.” David_J_Eddy & “mega geil :) danke dir!” Matyas Albert Nagy
2018-07: Spring Boot und Vue.js im eigenen Projekt praktisch nutzen - das Tutorial on JAXenter
2018-07: Spring Boot und Vue.js im eigenen Projekt praktisch nutzen - das Tutorial on
2018-04: A Lovely Spring View: Spring Boot & Vue.js
Award: codecentric AG Blog Awards 2018 “Most Successful Blogger”
Mentions: “Jonas Hecht has a nice post on using Spring Boot and Vue.js together” This Month in Spring - May 2, 2018 (Pivotal Blog) & This Week in Spring - April 24th, 2018 ( & Java Web Weekly, Issue 226 ( & Official Java Twitter Channel
2017-07: Ansible zaubert Spring Boot Apps auch auf Windows
Mentions: “I liked Jonas Hecht’s post looking at how to run Spring Boot on Docker Windows” This Week in Spring - May 30th, 2017 ( & Java Web Weekly, Issue 179 (
Mentions: “Jonas Hecht put together a nice post on running Spring Boot applications on Windows using Ansible” This Week in Spring - April 11th, 2017 ( & Java Web Weekly, Issue 172 (
2017-01: Running Spring Boot Apps on Windows with Ansible
Mentions: Java Web Weekly, Issue 158 (
2016-10: Spring Boot & Apache CXF – SOAP on steroids fueled by cxf-spring-boot-starter
Mentions: “Jonas Hecht has posted yet another installment in his series looking at how to work with CXF and Spring, this time debuting a good-looking Spring Boot auto-configuration and starter that simplifies things considerably” This Week in Spring - October 18, 2016 (
2016-07: Spring Boot & Apache CXF – Logging & Monitoring with Logback, Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana
Mentions: Java Web Weekly, Issue 135 (
2016-06: Spring Boot & Apache CXF – XML validation and custom SOAP faults
2016-06: Spring Boot & Apache CXF – Testing SOAP Web Services
Mentions: Java Web Weekly, Issue 128 (
2016-02: Spring Boot & Apache CXF – How to SOAP in 2016
Award: codecentric AG Blog Awards 2016 “Most Comments” (german version) & second most-clicked post in 2016
2015-12: MicroPlode – A Microservices Experiment (together with Thomas & Bastian)
2024-12: Combining practical Platform Engineering with Crossplane and ArgoCD @
Mentions: codecentric on LinkedIn
2021-03: Container-Images: Abschied vom Dockerfile @ heise developer
2018-01: Die hybdride Cloud mit Docker Swarm und Ansible (2/2) @ heise developer
2017-12: Die hybdride Cloud mit Docker Swarm und Ansible (1/2) @ heise developer
2017-09: Docker-Windows-Container mit Ansible managen (2/2) @ heise developer
2017-09: Docker-Windows-Container mit Ansible managen (1/2) @ heise developer
2023-07: Podcast on knowledge sharing in the IT: “Crossplane zwischen Multi-Cloud und Platform Engineering” on the Softwerker Cast - episode link
2022-12: Podcast on knowledge sharing in the IT: “Wie viel Wissen ist nötig, um Wissen zu teilen?” on the Softwerker Cast - episode link
2021-11: Podcast on software engineering in practice - Chair of Software Systems at Leipzig University: “Second episode of our podcast on software engineering in practice: Jonas Hecht (codecentric AG) talks about the origin of CI/CD and the role of DevOps. We further discuss the trend toward cloud-hosted software and give hints on how to prepare for an industry job&interview.”
2025-01: Talking about “Mit Crossplane und ArgoCD in den GitOps-Himmel” @ tech & talk in Dortmund
Recording available on Youtube
2024-12: Talking about “Multi-cloud Platform Engineering with Crossplane” @ Webinar Series
Mentions: on LinkedIn, Platform Engineers Berlin, Platform Engineers Munich, LinkedIn
Recording available on Youtube
2024-11: Talking about “Mit Crossplane und ArgoCD in den GitOps-Himmel” @ ContainerConf / Continuous Lifecycle 2024 in Mannheim
Photos: Flickr No.1, Flickr No.2, All Flickr Photos
2024-09: Talking about “Multi-Cloud Platform Engineering mit Crossplane” @ Tech&Talk Meetup on 09/03/2024 @ codecentric AG in Frankfurt
2024-04: Talking about “Multi-Cloud Platform Engineering mit Crossplane” @ Softwerkskammer Kassel Meetup on 04/25/2024 @ SMA Solar Technology in Kassel
2023-05: Talking about “Multi-Cloud Platform Engineering mit Crossplane” @ DevOps Thüringen Meetup on 05/10/2023 @ Thüringer Landesrechenzentrum (TLRZ)
2020-01: Talking about “Infrastructure-as-Code with Pulumi - Better than all the others (like Ansible)?” @ DevOps Thüringen Meetup on 01/21/2020 @ ifesca Ilmenau
2019-11: Talking about “Infrastructure-as-Code with Pulumi - Better than all the others (like Ansible)?” @ ContainerConf / Continuous Lifecycle 2019 in Mannheim
2019-03: Talking about “Test-driven infrastructure Development and Continuous Infrastructure with Ansible and Molecule” @ Ansible Meetup Dresden @ TU Dresden - Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen
2019-03: Talking about “Configuration - Heaven and Hell: An Industry View on Modern Software Engineering” @ Feature-Oriented Software Engineering Research (FOSD) 2019 Meeting
2019-01: Talking about “Test-driven infrastructure Development and Continuous Infrastructure with Ansible and Molecule” @ DevOps Thüringen Meetup
2018-05: Talking about “Hybride Docker Schwärme mit Ansible” @ DevOps-Dienstag präsentiert vom Webmontag Erfurt @ DBSystel Skydeck Erfurt
2018-02: Talking about “Running Spring Boot Apps on Docker Windows Containers with Ansible” @ Java User Group Hessen at Universität Kassel
2018-01: Talking about “Running Spring Boot Apps on Docker Windows Containers with Ansible” @ Cloud-Native Java Day with Josh Long at codecentric Solingen
Recording: Youtube
Mentions: This Week in Spring (7th Anniversary Edition) - January 2nd, 2017 ( & heise developer & codecentric Youtube channel & some Tweets (@dataduke, @rotnroll666 1 & 2, @codecentric, @BenediktRitter, @johiste, @jugthde, codecentric review)
2017-10: Talking about “Mit Ansible die Puppen tanzen lassen – Spring Boot Apps in Docker Windows Container” @ JCON 2017 in Düsseldorf Sessionplan
2017-10: Workshop “Building Microservices with Spring Boot and Docker” together with @dataduke @ Developer Open Space Leipzig
2017-09: Talking about “Mit Windows, Docker & Ansible die Puppen tanzen lassen - Erfahrungen aus dem real life Einsatz von Docker Windows Containern im Kundenprojekt” on “IT-Automation for Java Developers”-Day @ Java User Group Thüringen
Youtube recording: Recording of “Mit Windows, Docker & Ansible die Puppen tanzen lassen” @ JUG Thüringen Meetup (28.09.2017)
2017-09: Talking about “Mit Windows, Docker & Ansible die Puppen tanzen lassen - Erfahrungen aus dem real life Einsatz von Docker Windows Containern im Kundenprojekt” @ Herbstcampus in Nürnberg
2017-07: Talking about “Mit Windows, Docker & Ansible die Puppen tanzen lassen - Erfahrungen aus dem real life Einsatz von Docker Windows Containern im Kundenprojekt” @ codecentric (un-)conference
2017-06: Talking about “Mit Windows, Docker & Ansible die Puppen tanzen lassen - Erfahrungen aus dem real life Einsatz von Docker Windows Containern im Kundenprojekt” @ Meetup 01: Docker Docker Docker - Azure Thüringen Meetup
Mentions: diva-e unterstützt Thüringer Azure Meetup (commerce & coffee, diva-e blog)
2017-06: Talking about “Running Spring Boot Apps on Docker Windows Containers with Ansible - Integrating Legacy Windows Apps with Microservices” @ codecentric Meetup Berlin
2016-08: Talking about “Spring Boot quickstart …with a little bit Apache CXF” @ Provinzial Community Tag 2016
2021-01: Giving a lecture about “DevOps” @ Universität Leipzig - Software Systeme Prof. Dr. Norbert Siegmund - Full recording on YouTube & example code on GitHub
2020-10: Adjunct Lecturer @ FH-Erfurt Institute for Applied Information Sciences (AI): Giving Programming with Java 1 - Development of all practical project is fully OpenSource on - There are also some YouTube recordings
2020-04: Adjunct Lecturer @ FH-Erfurt Institute for Applied Information Sciences (AI): Giving Programming with Java 2 - Development of all practical project is fully OpenSource on
2019-10: Adjunct Lecturer @ FH-Erfurt Institute for Applied Information Sciences (AI): Giving Programming with Java 1 - Development of all practical project is fully OpenSource on - There are also some YouTube recordings
2019-01: Giving a lecture about “Real life software engineering” @ Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
2018-07: Giving a training about Git in Practice at the FH-Erfurt Institute für Angewandte Informatik - incl. creating and using the new GitHub FHE Orga
2017-10 - 2018-04: Fascilitating a project seminar in “modern software engineering” @ Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: Goal is to digitize a registration process for the kids of city Weimar / Thuringia, Germany for school holidays activities as a charity project
Awards: Prof. Dr. Norbert Siegmund and I won the “Lehrpreis 2018” at the media faculty at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, which was handed over on the Tag der Lehre 2019
Mentions (06.2020): Launch articles Ferienspass mit dem Ferienpass
Mentions (07.2018): Ferienpass bietet jede Menge Spaß für 175 Mädchen und Jungen
Mentions: In the local press Thüringer Allgemeine 2018-01-17 & Thüringische Landeszeitung 2018-01-17 & BAUHAUS.JOURNAL ONLINE 2018-01-16 & Focus Online & & final celebration, Focus Online
2017-01: Giving a lecture about “Real life software engineering” @ Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
I’am a Spring Boot using guy, who loves Ansible & is a CI/CD enthusiast. And I always try to write practical & comprehensible blog posts (as you can see above :) ).
I have been a SOA/Integration software architect & quit the job after successful implementing inside whole company.
Why? Because those are just concepts & culture eat’s software architecture for breakfast!
I love Mountainbiking, Surfing and beeing a proud Husband & Dad.